LABOUR MIGRATION IN BANGLADESH : Challenges, Needs and Recommendations. A Baseline Survey Report on by YPSA-Fairer Labour Migration in Bangladesh Project. This research was funded by a generous donation of PROKAS (Promoting Knowledge for Accountable System), British Council and UKaid.
This publication is findings of research on labour migration scenario of Bangladesh which was entitled as LABOUR MIGRATION IN BANGLADESH: Challenges, Needs and Recommendations under the YPSA-Fairer Labour Migration in Bangladesh Project. This research was funded by a generous donation of PROKAS (Promoting Knowledge for Accountable System), British Council and UKaid. Over 300 people contributed their ideas, time and energy to this research and report: interviewers, researchers, government official, social leader, UP members and youth volunteers of Rangunia, Chittagong.
There was much goodwill as everyone was keen to contribute their ideas and energy to an effort that seeks to improve the process of safe, orderly and regular migration. The authors deeply appreciate the contributors and donors. The authors would also like to thank the staff, and Volunteers of the following organizations for their cooperation, assistance and valuable feedback during the course of research and report preparation: YPSA-KM4D, YPSA-Development Resource Center (YPSA-DRC), Rangunia Youth Volunteers, Saraf Bhata Union Parishad, Rangunia Pourashava, Rangunia Upazila Administration, District Employment and Manpower Office (DEMO) Chittagong, Probashi Kollan Desk and Regional Passport Office, Chittagong.
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